Tuesday 7 June 2022

Twillingate - out on the ocean and … more icebergs!!

For the first time in over a week the winds died down enough for one of the local boat tours in Twilllingate to take out a trip - and you can be guaranteed I was on that boat!!  In fact, not only were the winds calm enough, but it was actually sunny too - I won the jackpot!!

During my time in Twillingate not only was I lucky in terms of finally being able to take a boat trip, but I also saw more icebergs while I was here.

So here you have lots of photos of waves and cliffs from the boat trip, and icebergs from all the sightings I had while here.

A long way out I know, but this is Twillingate in its entirety - south and north shores together.

The north shore again, with St. Peter’s church perched near the water.

And the south shore again.  See the yellow building in the centre?  That’s where I was staying while in Twillingate.  ‘Echoes of the Ocean Harbourfront Suites’ - newly built and lovely!!

Going out as I was coming in.

And now for icebergs!!  There weren’t a tonne - but there were three in the Twillingate area that I was able to get up relatively close to, either along the shoreline or while I was out on the boat tour.  I was fascinated and have many, many photos!!  Many look very similar - I promise they’re not - and I’ll try and choose ones that are slightly different to show you here.  Two of the icebergs I went back to see on two consecutive days and whereas one hadn’t changed all that much, the changes in the second one were really interesting to see too.

Unfortunately there was a cloud bank on the horizon on the only day that might have afforded a sunset…but still lovely just to sit on the beach and watch the twilight.

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