Sunday, 23 January 2022

Pandemic response - Week 97

Week 97 was overall a very grey week - lots of clouds, and lots of snow!  We did get lucky on a few occasions and saw the sun, mixed in with a couple of sunrises and a sunset.  Despite some VERY COLD temperatures this week - I don’t think we got above -10C on any day (and much colder overnight) - there is still really only shoreline ice on the lake, with the ice floes coming and going with the wind.  My apologies for all the photos of snow…but really, what else is there to take photos of at this time of year???

Some days - like today - I could even see waves breaking again!

Here’s why you should never walk on the shoreline ice…you never know when there’s a hole underneath.

Pretty amazing - I was the first set of footprints, human or animal, on the beach this afternoon.

Can you see the end of the pier?  Nope - not me either.  Lots of snow!!

Today was actually a three-shovel day - here I am heading out for the second time…
And this is how much snow fell just while I was shovelling the driveway.  It was quite literally a ‘shovel out and shovel back’ affair!

Trying to appease for the day before - a lovely sunrise the next morning!

Even when it’s super cold, sometimes the smallest amount of sun can start things melting…but then it freezes again right away.

Good thing I wasn’t looking to sit and relax on this bench!

I don’t think this mailbox has been used in a while.

It might look solid but it’s really not - the ripples are the waves moving underneath.

Good Canadian kids - make your own basketball out of snow

Good thing I was watching where I was walking!

Super cold today but still lots of open water.  I think it would be COLD - but can you see the duck who obviously didn’t agree with me?

Just waiting for the waves…and here they come.

It looks interesting, but wouldn’t it be more practical to clear the whole driveway?

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