Sunday, 14 February 2021

Pandemic response - Week 47 - Happy Valentine’s Day

This week ends with Valentine’s Day and the cold, arctic air has really settled in!  Anywhere between about -8 and -10 degrees have been the daytime high temperatures this week.

And for the second time in just a one month time period the news reporters from London, Ontario have come to Bayfield for a new story.  The first time was because of the fishing boat sinking and now this week because of a new bridge that is being built over the Bayfield River.  This was the week they raised the arches.

And here we have what was someone’s Christmas tree here in a snowbank

I know you can’t really see ‘cold’ in a photo...but it was really cold today!!  Double digit minus temperatures!

Woke to snow AGAIN this morning...but I liked the way it stuck to some of the plants and bushes.

Getting ready for Valentine’s Day - this is a little tree on one of the village’s ‘green streets’.

Like all good Canadians we adapt...leaf blower becomes snow blower!

Endings like this make the cloudy days more bearable.

A lot of white in my world these days

I wonder how well that satellite dish works?

I went down to the beach today for the first time since the ice came in.  It wasn’t windy at all (one of the reasons why I haven’t been done before), plus I wanted to wait until after we’d have a few days of really cold weather to help give the ice a better chance of being solid.  Even then, I know to only walk close to the shoreline!  It was a lovely day to walk down here, but also tough walking!  You can be walking in just a few centimetres of snow and then your next step you sink into snow that’s thigh deep, sometimes deeper.

Even after 10+ days of double digit negative temperatures, you can still find places with open water!

Finally, a completely frozen Bayfield River

All it takes is one day and you can see open water again, well before the horizon line.

Well - we’ve finally had enough cold weather for a few brave folks to venture out onto the river...and fish!

First cranes in Bayfield to help raise the fishing boat and now cranes in the village to help erect what is going to be our new bridge over the river.  Getting ready at the beginning of the week for upcoming work.

The end of the first day of work and one of the new arches is in place.

The second one ready to be put up.

Big day in the village - despite the weather we all came to watch the action!

Standing it up - then lifting it

Lining it up - then moving it across the road

Finally lowering it down and into place.

Now to get the roadway built...

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