Starting this week with a photo from my own garden...a garden that I’ve never, ever, planted tulips in. And this little grouping is only one of three or four bunches in my garden this year.
Trilliums - Ontario’s provincial flower. Not in full bloom yet, and hopefully they’ll survive the frost and snow we have in the forecast for the next couple of days. If they do I’ll definitely get some photos of them when they’re fully open.
First one of the season - nothing beats salty caramel!! DELICIOUS!!
Lots of clouds at the end of the day - and then like magic, the clouds were ‘on fire’!
A yellow magnolia bush - definitely going to keep an eye on it! By the end of the week the buds were starting to open - the cold temperatures may have slowed them down a little bit but thankfully it doesn’t look like the snow/frost damaged them!
Lilac bushes, just starting with their buds
Working on getting ready to open - picnic tables are now back in place.
This is much more reminiscent of late October or November...but then again today’s temperatures were too! It was -4 degrees when I work up and we reached a high of +2 degrees (Celsius)
I’ve been on the lookout for these - I think they’re my most favourite variety of daffodil, white with a dark yellow/orange centre.
And then right beside it I saw this - an absolutely gorgeous double daffodil!
It’s hard to see, but on the horizon, just to the right of the setting sun, is a tanker ship. I bet the crew on it had a fabulous view tonight!!
Second day in a row of pretending to be November.
Our April snow came today. Snow in April isn’t unusual although it is easier to tolerate when it happens at the beginning of the month and not on the 22nd. Unlike other places that had snow and actual accumulation yesterday, we just had this half hour ‘blizzard’.
And then the snow was done, leaving a little layer on all the spring flowers and new growth.
Frost is what turns the magnolia flowers brown, but thankfully many have not bloomed yet or are protected from Mother Nature.
I think this forsythia could do with a trim.
Main Street during a stay-at-home order during a pandemic...
Not a great photo without a zoom lens, but these are buffleheads, possibly stopping over on their migration north from the Gulf of Mexico.
Lots of cormorants around the river today.
I must have caught this little baby by surprise!
Can you spot the sailboat?
A red trillium
A turkey vulture - not a particularly ‘pretty’ bird, but with a 6-foot wing span they are quite amazing in flight!
A cloudy, almost hazy day - but I love all the shades of grey and blue and the indistinguishable horizon!
I walk by my friend’s garden every day and today was the first day I saw this. I’ve never seen one before - it’s a ‘Rubra Maxima’ (Crown Imperial). It’s beautiful!!
I clearly need a new weather app on my phone! When I checked mine today before going for a walk it said: “4 degrees, but with the windchill it feels like -3 degrees”. Nowhere in my app did it say ‘great day for surfing’!
If you look carefully you can see all the little dots - the surfers. There had to be at least a dozen out today and it was perfect conditions. They would jump in off the pier and catch a wave immediately.
Ending this week with more tulips from my garden. A week goes by and another bunch is blooming - and you can see the first group that started this week’s blog post in the background.