Saturday, 16 August 2014


I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier in the blog when I was talking about my time in Rankin Inlet or not, but I did have a rather amazing experience with some wildlife when I was there - that wildlife being a herd of caribou.

Unbeknownst to me, a large herd of caribou were passing not far from the village of Rankin Inlet, along the Meliadine River.  The last night when I was there, there was a knock on my bedroom door and the owner of the place where I was staying (Page) asked me if I wanted to go out for a drive with her to see the caribou?  Well you can imagine how quickly I got myself dressed and out the door.

The reason why I didn't post any pictures of this before though is because my little camera didn't quite have a strong enough zoom on it to take any quality photos - Page however had a much more sophisticated camera and I have to say a huge thank you to her for sharing her photos with me, and for allowing me to use them in my blog.

So now you too can have a bit of an idea of what a migrating herd of caribou is like - there were literally thousands - and I will always remember the beauty of them.

Thanks again Page and John - it was magical!